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What to expect from your BBL. (Long Read)

So everyone asks; I  want a BBL but what should I expect?


First lets start with the basics; Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs) are when fat cells are removed (via Liposuction aka Lipo) from a less desired area and then placed in the buttock (fat grafting). Interesting right?

I know it sounds great right?  Take fat out of the places you don't want fat, and move it where I want! Every woman's dream!

Although it seems easy enough, it is good practice to maintain realistic expectations. Everyone achieves different results depending on their wants and the surgeon. Not everyone is built equally which mean they won't heal equally. What I am saying is, don't be discourage if your results are not exactly like the "wish pic" you had in mind.  


Time to get real.


What you need to know.

 Remember to always consult with your surgeon to discuss your procedure. They will provide better insight as to what your surgery will entail and the risks.


General Surgical Risk

Understand all of the risks involved in surgery so that you can make  a knowledgeable decision. Although complications are infrequent, all surgeries have some degree  of risk. The importance in having a highly qualified medical team and the use of a certified facility cannot be overestimated. 


What to expect from...

Liposuction | Suction Assisted Lipectomy (Lipo)

  • Waviness, Wrinkling or Dimpling of the Skin: This problem has become rare. The use of  much smaller cannulas (tubes inserted to remove the fat cells) has helped tremendously. Skin that is both tight and firm before surgery will most  likely remain after healing. If your skin is dimpled, loose or wrinkled before surgery, it may remain the same or become slightly worse after surgery.

  • Asymmetry: It is not always possible to obtain total symmetry when bilateral procedures are performed. Very few people are totally symmetrical prior to lipo-sculpture. If the difference is significantly visible following the healing    phase, a secondary touch-up procedure may be indicated to minimize such findings.

  • Change in Contour of the Donor Site: The fat that will be transferred must be harvested from the “donor area.” The most commonly used areas are the thighs, buttock and abdomen. If there is one buttock, hip or thigh that is larger than the other, this is a perfect opportunity to  improve symmetry at no additional charge.

  • Loss of Sensation: Usually, any numbness or loss of sensation is temporary, and should resolve  itself within a few months.  

  • Indentation or Excess Fat Removal: Although, this can occur with the attempt in removing as much fat as possible. There will be more of an unlikely possibility if there is a careful discussion and pre-operative understanding between you and your surgeon

  • Infection: This problem is very unusual. If this does occur your surgeon should prescribe antibiotics.

  • Bleeding and Bruising: Usually, some bruising surfaces for 2 to 3 weeks after lipo-sculpture.  Formation of hematomas (blood clots under the skin) is rare. Resolution occurs within time and with massages. Extremely rare cases may require suction of the blood clots.

  • Lumps or Firmness Under the Skin: During the healing phase (several weeks or longer) you may     feel    firmness    or    lumpiness    under    the    treated areas.

  • Seroma Formation: Following lipo-sculpture, there are fluids that can collect under the skin.  Though, this is very uncommon.

  • Pulmonary Embolism: This is a very rare and potentially fatal complication of all large operations.  Fat droplets in the blood stream are trapped in the lungs.

What to expect from...

Fat Transfer to Buttock | Fat-Grafting

  • Absorption or Disappearance of Fat: Fat transfer from one part of the body to another is “safe,” it is your own body tissue and therefore presents no chance of rejection. The fat transferred will incorporate into the placement of the tissues. It will feel and look completely normal, leading to an extremely natural result. However, you will need to wait 3 to 6 months in order to evaluate how much of the fat transferred has survived. The average fat survival rate is about 70% to 80%. This could be higher in some patients, and lower in others (rarely). There is a higher fat survival rate when placed in the location of larger muscles, such as the buttock. 

  • Lumpiness: After the fat transfer, there may be noticeable lumpiness under the skin. It is  noticeable by the touch or in rare occasions, it may be visible. Your surgeon should will make every effort to avoid this problem at the time of transfer. If it is an initial problem, massages and time will help.

  • Infection, Bleeding and Sensory Change: These problems are very uncommon, and they would be  dealt with in the same way as in any surgical procedure.


Common Risks

  • Hematomas: Small collections of blood under the skin usually absorb spontaneously. Larger  hematomas may require aspiration, drainage or even surgical removal to achieve the best result.

  • Inflammation and Infection: A superficial infection may require antibiotic ointment. Deeper  infections are treated with antibiotics. Development of an abscess usually requires drainage.

  • Thick, Wide or Depressed Scars: Even though surgeons use the most modern techniques in plastic surgery, abnormal scars may occur. Some areas of the  body scar more than other areas, and some people scar more than others. Your own history of scarring should give you some indication of what to expect. 

  • Wound Separation or Delayed Healing: During the healing phase, any incision may separate or  heal unusually slow for a number of reasons. These include: inflammation, infection, wound  tension, decreased circulation, smoking or excess external pressure. If delayed healing occurs,  usually the final outcome isn’t significantly affected.

  • Increased Risks for Smokers: Smokers have a greater chance of skin loss  and poor healing  because of decreased skin circulation.


Be aware that size and volume cannot be guaranteed.

This is because each individual is unique as to how they

respond and react to the procedure. 


So there you have it. Brazilian butt lift surgery is to be taken seriously. I can't stress enough that you have to do you homework have MULTIPLE consultations and make sure your surgeon is BOARD CERTIFIED.

CLICK HERE to search if the surgeon you are considering is certified.

Hopefully this helps, and if you have any  question or comments please let me know below.


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